Why Is My Pitbull Losing Hair in Patches? 6 Reasons and Solutions
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Pitbulls are not heavy shedders as they have short coats. However, your dog might suddenly start losing hair in patches causing bald spots to appear all over its body.
Most of the time the cause behind hair loss in dogs is nothing to be concerned about and can be easily treated at home, however, sometimes it can be an indicator of more severe health problems.
So, why is your pitbull losing hair in patches? Your pitbull is losing its hair in patches as a result of various conditions including allergic reactions, mange infection, seasonal alopecia, black hair follicular dysplasia, hypothyroidism as well as rash or hives. Identifying the hair loss cause is the first step in treating it correctly.
Keep reading to learn more about the main causes of hair loss and bald spots in Pitbulls, the symptoms you need to look out for, and the best treatments.
Why Is My Pitbull Losing Hair in Patches?

There are six main causes of hair loss and bald spots in Pitbulls. You will be able to treat these causes easily and effectively as long as you recognize their symptoms quickly.
So, let’s break down all the causes of hair loss and bald spots in Pitbulls, as well as the symptoms and treatments in more detail:
Allergic Reaction
Pitbulls are prone to suffer from allergic reactions which is one of the primary causes of hair loss and bald spots.
Allergies can be hereditary conditions that are passed on from the dog’s parents. They can also be related to the dog’s environment like certain kinds of food the dog might consume, shampoo ingredients their skin is exposed to, or even insect bites.
It’s important to be on the lookout for any symptoms of an allergic reaction in your pitbull so you can quickly get treatment.
What Are the Symptoms of an Allergic Reaction?
There are various symptoms associated with allergies in Pitbulls. So, here’s a list of what you need to be on the lookout for:
- Redness and dryness in the skin
- Redness in eyes
- Heavy breathing
- Severe itching, scratching, and biting
- Hair loss and bald spots
- Swelling in some body parts
How to Treat Allergic Reactions in Pitbulls?
To treat allergic reactions in Pitbulls, you first need to identify what’s triggering your dog’s allergic reaction then make the necessary changes to remove that trigger.
Once the trigger is removed, most of the symptoms will go away on their own. However, keep in mind that the allergic reaction might be triggered by things you can’t change or remove.
If the symptoms of the allergic reaction are persistent, then it’s highly recommended to take your dog to a veterinarian to prescribe the necessary medication to keep the symptoms under control.
Rashes or Hives

Rashes and hives are some of the most common conditions in Pitbulls because of how sensitive their skin is.
Most of the time they are caused by exposure to insect bites or toxic plants. They can also be caused by certain ingredients in shampoos, medication, overheating, and even stress.
What Are the Symptoms of Rash or Hives in Pitbulls?
There are various symptoms associated with rash and hives. Here’s what you need to look out for:
- Severe itching, scratching, and biting
- An overall feeling of pain and irritation
- Fever
- Nausea and vomiting
- Lack of energy and reduced activity
- Lack of appetite
How to Treat Rash or Hives in Pitbulls?
To treat rashes of hives in Pitbulls, you first need to identify what’s causing them then make the necessary changes to remove that cause. This could mean changing your dog’s shampoo or getting your dog away from toxic plants.
Once the cause of the rash or hives is eliminated, then most of the symptoms will go away on their own.
However, if your dog developed a rash or hive due to administering a kind of medication or vaccination, then you need to contact the veterinarian that prescribed it to check whether your dog would need further treatment or to simply switch the medication.
Mange Infection
Mange infection is a kind of parasitic infection that’s known to cause hair loss and bald spots in dogs.
There are two types of mange infections that Pitbulls are susceptible to which are sarcoptic mange infection or demodectic mange infection.
What Are the Symptoms of Mange Infection?
Both types of mange infection have similar symptoms. So, here’s a list of what you need to be on the lookout for:
- Severe hair loss around the dog’s eyes and muzzle
- Redness and crust in the areas where the hair has been lost
- Severe itching, scratching, and biting
How to Treat Mange Infection in Pitbulls?
Mange infection can’t be treated at home, so if you notice any of its symptoms in your dog, you need to take it to a veterinarian right away to prescribe the necessary medication and keep the symptoms under control.
The veterinarian will typically recommend bathing your dog using antiseptic or medically-enhanced shampoos to ease the symptoms and kill off the parasites that are causing the infection.
The treatment might last as long as eight weeks, depending on the dog’s age, size, and how severe the infection is.
Hypothyroidism is a medical condition that makes your dog unable to produce the essential thyroid hormones. This condition is not very common in Pitbulls, but it can still happen.
What Are the Symptoms of Hypothyroidism?
There are several symptoms associated with hypothyroidism. So, here’s a list of what you need to be on the lookout for:
- Hair loss throughout the dog’s coat, but not on the head or legs.
- An overall dull appearance in the dog’s coat
- Excessive shedding
- Dryness in the skin
- Abnormal weight gain
- Lack of energy and reduced activity
- Inability to tolerate cold temperatures
How to Treat Hypothyroidism in Pitbulls?
Hypothyroidism can’t be treated at home, so if you notice any of its symptoms in your dog, you need to take it to a veterinarian right away.
The veterinarian will typically prescribe hormonal supplements to help get the symptoms under control. You will need to administer these supplements twice a day at the beginning of the treatment and then once a day as your dog’s condition starts improving.
Seasonal Alopecia
Seasonal alopecia, also known as seasonal flank baldness, is a condition caused by a severe deficiency in Vitamin D and it is a common occurrence for Pitbulls, especially during the winter months when they’re less exposed to sunlight.
The lack of Vitamin D will slow down your dog’s hair growth until it stops altogether causing bald patches to appear all over its body.
How to Treat Seasonal Alopecia in Pitbulls?
The most effective way to treat Seasonal Alopecia is to make sure your Pitbull is getting enough exposure to sunlight, especially during the winter months. You can do that by taking your dog out for a walk whenever it’s sunny outside.
Some veterinarians also prescribe melatonin which will help with re-growing the dog’s hair within 2-3 months. This kind of treatment is recommended for dogs with a history of recurrent seasonal alopecia.
Black Hair Follicular Dysplasia
Black Hair Follicular Dysplasia (BHFD) is a hereditary condition that’s passed on from the dog’s parents. Even though this condition is very rare, your pitbull can still develop it at any time during its life.
This condition only affects the black hair on your pitbull’s coat leaving the rest of the dog’s coat unaffected and the hair loss caused will be permanent.
What Are the Symptoms of Black Hair Follicular Dysplasia?
There are several symptoms associated with Black Hair Follicular Dysplasia. So, here’s a list of what you need to be on the lookout for:
- Severe loss of black hairs
- An overall dull appearance in the dog’s coat
- Abnormal hair growth in some areas
- Dryness in the dog’s skin
How to Treat Black Hair Follicular Dysplasia in Pitbulls?
Black Hair Follicular Dysplasia is considered a cosmetic condition and since the hair loss cause is permanent, there’s usually no need to seek any treatment.
If your dog has BHFD, it’s recommended to give it some supplements such as omega fatty acids, Vitamin E, and Vitamin A to help keep the dog’s coat healthier.
This condition might escalate causing your dog to develop skin infections a lot more easily, especially in the areas where there has been hair loss. So, it’s also recommended to use antimicrobial and antibacterial shampoos to reduce the chances of infection.
If the dog does develop an infection because of BHFD, it’s recommended to take it to a veterinarian to prescribe the proper treatment for the infected area.
Conclusion: How to Help Your Pitbull with Hair Loss?
To help your pitbull with any hair loss problems, you will first need to identify what’s causing the hair loss and get the dog the proper treatment.
To identify the cause of hair loss quickly, you need to know what symptoms to look out for.
If you already went through the previous list of causes and symptoms and still can’t identify why your pitbull is losing its hair in patches, then it’s highly recommended to take it to a veterinarian for a full health checkup, so you can identify the real cause and get the proper treatment
Related Questions
How to Take Care of Your Pitbull’s Coat?
To take care of your pitbull’s coat, you need to brush it using a soft brush at least once a week to remove loose hair You also need to bathe your Pitbull once a month or once every 6 months, and make sure to use a dog-friendly shampoo without any chemicals that would irritate your dog’s skin
Does Your Pitbull’s Diet Affect Its Skin Health?
Your pitbull’s diet does affect its skin health. Pitbulls are known to have sensitive skin, so it’s important to make sure your dog is eating balanced meals with the necessary supplements to make its skin healthy. Also, avoid sudden changes in the dog’s diet as this might trigger an allergic reaction.
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