How Long Do Pit Bulls Live? Make Yours Live Longer With These Tips

How Long Do Pit Bulls Live? Make Yours Live Longer With These Tips

Despite their controversial reputation, Pit Bulls have earned a special spot in the hearts of many dog lovers over the past years. If you’re lucky enough to share your life with one, you’ll naturally want to ensure it enjoys the happiest, healthiest, and longest life possible.  One question that many loving Pit Bull parents can’t…

12 Most Common Pit Bull Health Problems | Symptoms & Treatment

12 Most Common Pit Bull Health Problems | Symptoms & Treatment

Pit Bulls are a beloved breed among dog enthusiasts worldwide. With their charming personalities and a strong desire to please, they have secured a special place in the hearts of countless families.  However, beneath their robust exteriors lies a unique set of health challenges that Pit Bulls are more susceptible to than many other dog…