Why Are Pitbulls So Whiny? 7 Reasons and Solutions
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The first question that usually pops into people’s minds when they hear a dog whine is “Why are you so whiny?”
The answer can be found in the breed of the dog. Pitbulls have a tendency to whine, and some experts think it has something to do with their breeding.
However, there are other possible explanations as well. In this article, we will explore all of these reasons and more!
So, why are Pitbulls so whiny? Pitbulls can be whiny for so many reasons, they may whine because they’re feeling some kind of discomfort such as they’re injured, in pain, or cold or overheated, they also may whine as a way of alarming you, they also tend to whine when they’re bored and seeking for your attention.
However, your dog may whine for many other reasons and some of them can be something serious so I would recommend watching your Pitbull closely, and I can help you understand the reason why your Pitbull whines, so just keep on reading.
Why Are Pitbulls So Whiny?

Pitbulls have a reputation for being whiny but the truth is that most dogs can be whiny for multiple reasons or they can just be vocal. However, Pitbulls are not that vocal; so if they are being too whiny, they are probably trying to tell you something.
But, what could your pup be trying to tell you? Well, let’s find out.
- Scared
- Bored
- Injured
- Separation Anxiety
- Seeking For Attention
- Being Protective
- Illness
One of the main reasons why Pitbulls can be whiny is because they’re scared. They may whine if they hear a loud noise or see something that frightens them.
This usually happens when a dog is first introduced to new surroundings or experiences something traumatic, such as a car ride.
Here are some signs to help you know if your Pitbull is scared:
- Lip Licking
- Whining
- Barking
- Cowering
- Growling
- Avoiding Eye Contact
- Pacing
- Panting
- Flattened Ears
- Snapping
- Tucking Their Tail Between Their Hind Legs
- Scratching Their Self Frequently
- Yawning
- Trembling
- Hiding
- Drooling
- Biting
- Submissive Urination
- Loss Of Control Over Bowels
- Destructiveness
- Clinginess To Owner
- Seeing The White Of Their Eyes.
Pitbulls also whine because they’re bored and seeking your attention, in fact, when a dog is not given enough exercise or mental stimulation, he may develop compulsive behaviors such as chewing on furniture or whining. This usually happens when a dog is left alone at home.
They’re constantly on the move, and they need to let off steam by walking, jogging, or playing. They have a lot of energy and require frequent exercise.
When they are left alone for lengthy periods, they may become melancholy, dissatisfied, or bored.
If your Pit Bull barks most when you are not home, boredom or loneliness are the most probable causes.
So, here are the signs of boredom in dogs to help you out:
- Digging
- Excessive Licking
- Chewing
- Whining
- Pacing
- Scratching Without Any Reason
- Barking
- Panting
- Escaping
- Pulling The Stuffing From Their Toys
I recommend checking out some of our toy recommendations in this case. Or check out this very quick recommendation;
My recommendation is this Wobble Giggle Ball on Amazon. It engages your dog’s instincts and curiosity by making noises when rolled or shaken. It’s a two-in-one deal as it provides entertainment as well as exercise for your buddy.
Another reason why Pitbulls whine is that they’re injured, for example, a dog that’s recently had surgery or one that’s in pain and may whimper or cry.
If your Pit Bull is whining and you can’t see any obvious injury, take him to the veterinarian for a checkup.
Here are some signs to help you know if your Pitbull is whining due to injury or not:
- Whining
- Sleeping Difficulty
- Snapping
- Squinting their eyes
- Panting
- Breathing Shallower or faster
- They may attempt to hide
- Seeking affection more than usual
- Loss of appetite
- Licking Their Paws Excessively
Separation Anxiety
Pitbulls can also whine because of separation anxiety, which is a common problem in dogs.
Dogs that suffer from separation anxiety may become agitated when their owners leave them alone.
Some dogs will soil the house or destroy property when their owners are away.
Here are the signs of separation anxiety in dogs:
- Whining when you leave them alone
- Refusing to sleep alone
- Following you wherever you go
- Barking when left alone
- urinates or defecates when left alone
- Tries To Escape when you leave them
- Shows destructive behavior when left alone such as digging and chewing
- Pacing
Seeking Attention

Pitbulls may also whine in an attempt to get attention from their owners. This is especially common when a dog is left alone for long periods of time.
Many dogs will whine, bark, or paw at their owner in an attempt to get them to come back.
Here are some signs that your Pitbulls are only seeking your attention.
- Barking
- Licking
- Nipping
- Clinging
- Pawing
- Restlessness
- Poking
- Whining
Being Protective
Another reason why Pitbulls whine is because they’re trying to alert you,
Pit Bulls are very protective of their owners and will make a lot of noise if they feel threatened.
Dogs that live in the same household as small children or other pets may become anxious when someone new enters the home.
These dogs may bark or whine as a way of warning their family members.
Here are signs that your Pitbull is just being protective:
- Alert but calm stance
- constant vigilance
- Growling or barking at potential threats
- whining around strangers
- Moving Between you and strangers or any threat
By the way, a Pitbull’s protective nature is one of the main reasons they’re so good with children, and you can learn how safe are pitbulls with babies here.
Finally, a dog may whine because of an illness.
Pitbulls are prone to numerous health problems and they may cry out in pain if they’re not feeling well.
If your Pit Bull is whining and you can’t find a reason for it, take him to the veterinarian for a checkup.
Here are some signs to help you know if your dog is ill:
- Whining
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Loss of appetite
- Coughing
- Excessive thirst
- Difficulty urinating
- Red or swollen gums
- Runny eyes
- Itchy Skin
- Runny nose
- Excessive Urination
- Sneezing
- Flaking Skin
- Noticeable Weightloss
You should see what signs your pit bull shows so you can know what you are dealing with.
Remember, if your pit bull is whining for no reason and you can’t find a solution, always take them to the veterinarian to make sure there is not an underlying health problem.
How To Stop The Whining?

Now that you’ve read all of the signals and understand why your Pitbull is Whining, here are some suggestions for handling each reason.
If the reason your Pitbull is whining is because they are scared then how to stop them is pretty obvious.
Give your Pitbull some extra attention and love when they are scared.
Playing with the dog or giving them a treat will help to divert their attention away from whatever is making them uneasy, at least for a little while.
You can also try taking your pit bull on walks more often so that he gets used to different places and people.
The best way to stop a dog from whining because they are bored is by giving them more exercise.
Pitbulls need at least 30-60 minutes of playtime every day and should have access to the yard or other areas where they can run around during that time period.
You also want to make sure your Pitbull has lots of toys to play with so they don’t use your belongings as chew toys.
If your Pitbull is whining because they are injured, then you need to take them to the veterinarian.
It’s important that you don’t try to treat an injury yourself as you may make it worse.
The best way to help a dog with separation anxiety is by gradually getting them used to being alone.
Separation Anxiety

To stop a Pitbull from whining because its owners are gone is by spending more time at home, especially if you have another dog that will keep the other occupied when you’re not around.
Taking them for walks and providing them with plenty of toys and activities will help ease their anxiety.
You can also try leaving a radio or television on when you’re not home so that the dog feels like someone is still there.
Pitbulls may also respond well to pheromone therapy which uses synthetic hormones to help calm dogs down.
The best way to help a dog with separation anxiety is by gradually getting them used to being alone.
Start by leaving them alone for a few minutes at a time and gradually increase the amount of time you’re gone.
If your Pitbull is whining when you leave, they may just need more time to adjust.
Make sure you provide them with plenty of toys and activities to keep them occupied while you’re away.
Seeking Attention
If your pit bull is whining for attention, the best way to stop it is by ignoring them.
Do not give them any type of response when they are whining, whether it be positive or negative.
Eventually, the dog will realize that they won’t get what they want by whining and will stop doing it.
Being Protective
If your Pitbull is whining because they are being protective then the best way to stop their whining is to make them understand that you are the pack leader.
You can do this by establishing rules and limits for your dog and making sure they know who is in charge.
Make sure to be consistent with your commands and rewards so the Pitbull knows what is expected of them.
If all else fails, you may need to see a behavior specialist to help train your Pitbull.
If your Pitbull is whining because they are sick, then you need to take them to the veterinarian.
It’s important that you don’t try to treat an illness yourself as you may make it worse.
Pitbulls can be prone to a number of health problems so it’s important to get them checked out if something seems off.
Remember, if your pit bull is whining for no reason and you can’t find a solution, always take them to the veterinarian to make sure there is not an underlying health problem.
Related Questions
Do Pitbulls Have A Favorite Person?
Yes, Pitbulls can definitely have a favorite person. They may be more attached to one person than others, but they will usually love everyone in their family. Pitbulls are very loyal dogs and will often attach themselves to one person in the household.
Do Pitbulls Suddenly Snap?
Pitbulls are very loyal dogs, so if they snap or become aggressive it’s usually due to fear. They will act out in self-defense if their owner is being threatened and they feel like the only way to protect them is by attacking.
PitbullsHome Personally-Tested Picks for Pitties:
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- The Best Shampoos for Pitbulls (including shampoos for sensitive skin)
- The Best Chew Toys for Pit Bulls (That will actually stand their teeth)
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Helpful Resources
Tips for Excessive Vocalization in Dogs
Excessive Dog Barking and Vocalization
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