Will a Pitbull Attack an Intruder? [& Training To Attack on Command]

Will a Pitbull Attack an Intruder? [& Training To Attack on Command]

Most dog lovers adopt and raise Pitbulls as house pets, not as watchdogs or guard dogs. However, Pitbulls are known to be extremely loyal which means their instincts will often drive them to protect their family members against threats from intruders by any means. So, will a pitbull attack an intruder? A pit bull will…

Are Pitbull Puppies Aggressive? The Truth Behind Their Reputation

Are Pitbull Puppies Aggressive? The Truth Behind Their Reputation

As a pet parent, you want your puppy to grow as an obedient, loyal, and loving companion to you and your family. However, if you’re adopting a pitbull puppy, raising it properly might seem intimidating due to the breed’s reputation for being aggressive. So, are pitbull puppies aggressive? Pitbull puppies are not aggressive by nature….

Are Pitbulls Naturally Muscular? Quick Tips to Make Your Pitbull More Muscular

Are Pitbulls Naturally Muscular? Quick Tips to Make Your Pitbull More Muscular

Pit Bulls are often considered one of the most athletic and active dog breeds, known for their agility, strength, and stamina, as dogs were originally bred for bull-baiting and dog fighting. But, are Pitbulls naturally muscular, or does this depend on their upbringing and training? Pit Bulls tend to be naturally muscular and lean; however,…

Do American Pocket Bullies Need Exercise? 8 Best Exercises for Bullies

Do American Pocket Bullies Need Exercise? 8 Best Exercises for Bullies

Exercise is considered an important aspect of a dog’s daily routine to help it maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. It can also be a part of the dog’s training process to help improve its discipline. When it comes to breeds such as American Pocket Bullies, pet parents often wonder whether these dogs need to…