Why Are Pitbull Ears Cut Off? A Quick Guide on Ear Cropping and Caring for Your Pit Bull’s Ears

Why Are Pitbull Ears Cut Off? A Quick Guide on Ear Cropping and Caring for Your Pit Bull’s Ears

One of the most noticeable features of Pit Bulls is their distinctive ears, which can vary greatly in appearance from one dog to another. Some Pit Bulls have naturally erect, triangular ears, while others have floppy, rounded ears. This variation in ear shape and structure can lead many dog owners to wonder why their Pit…

Why Are Pitbulls Banned in Some Places? and Where Are They Banned?

Why Are Pitbulls Banned in Some Places? and Where Are They Banned?

The term Pitbull encompasses some of the most popular dog breeds in the United States and all over the world. Although Pitbulls tend to make loyal and loving companions to many families, they garnered quite a reputation for being aggressive which caused them to get banned by law in some places. So, why are Pitbulls…

Will a Pitbull Attack an Intruder? [& Training To Attack on Command]

Will a Pitbull Attack an Intruder? [& Training To Attack on Command]

Most dog lovers adopt and raise Pitbulls as house pets, not as watchdogs or guard dogs. However, Pitbulls are known to be extremely loyal which means their instincts will often drive them to protect their family members against threats from intruders by any means. So, will a pitbull attack an intruder? A pit bull will…

Are Pitbull Puppies Aggressive? The Truth Behind Their Reputation

Are Pitbull Puppies Aggressive? The Truth Behind Their Reputation

As a pet parent, you want your puppy to grow as an obedient, loyal, and loving companion to you and your family. However, if you’re adopting a pitbull puppy, raising it properly might seem intimidating due to the breed’s reputation for being aggressive. So, are pitbull puppies aggressive? Pitbull puppies are not aggressive by nature….